Foods that Support Your Kidneys (

1- Cabbage- Cabbage is low in potassium, sodium and phosphorus, which we learned were bad for your kidneys, but high in fibre and antioxidants that can help heal the kidneys or, at least, help guard them against further damage.

2- Blueberries- A rich source of antioxidants and like cabbage, blueberries are low in phosphorus and potassium. They are excellent for supporting kidney health, but they also improve cognitive function and even help prevent heart disease.

3- Garlic- Garlic is a superfood that supports kidney function, with outstanding anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese, garlic helps reduce inflammation. It also makes a great alternative to salt, something that people with kidney damage should be careful about the amount they ingest.

4- Olive Oil- Phosphorus free, olive oil is rich in polyphenol-plant compounds with antioxidant properties that help prevent damage caused by oxidation.

5- Skinless Chicken Breasts- Kidneys need high quality sources of protein and is fulfilled by this food. People suffering from kidney disease need to limit their protein so when they eat protein foods, they should ensure they eat high-quality and low in sodium and phosphorus. Removing the skin reduces the amount of these nutrients. Pre-cooked versions should be avoided because they often have additives such as salt.

6- Cranberries- This berry is beneficial in preventing harmful bacteria like
E. coli which sticks to the lining of the bladder and urinary tract, which can cause infection and spread to the kidneys. People with kidney disease are at risk for infection, so cranberries are an ideal dietary choice.

7- Red Grapes- Red and purple grapes are especially good for people with kidney damage because they contain flavonoids such as anthocyanin, which gives grapes their dark colour and reduces the risk of blood clots and damage from free radicals.

8- Pineapple- Pineapple is considered safe because it is low in potassium and rich in B vitamins, manganese, fibre,and bromelain. Bromelain reduces inflammation which can cause kidney conditions to flare up.

9- Bell Peppers- Low in potassium but high in many healthful nutrients, they are a great food to eat raw, but they can also be diced, sautéed, or roasted. They are rich in vitamin C and A, which have important antioxidant effects that support immunity and kidney health.

10- Cauliflower- A cruciferous vegetable rich in folate, vitamins C, K, and fibre. It contains compounds that can reduce inflammation. Cauliflower is low in potassium, so it is an excellent alternative to potatoes and rice, which are high in potassium.

11- Apples- Apples have a sugar called pectin. Based on some research, pectin may help increase urination. Pectin may also lower serum creatinine, a muscle-breakdown waste product. Apples are rich in the flavonoid quercetin, which decreases the risk of certain kidney diseases.

12- Salmon- Its kidney benefits come from omega fatty acid, which play a significant role in reducing inflammation in the body, and the kidney malfunction this can cause. Omega fatty acids also assist in controlling blood pressure and triglycerides. High blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels increase the risk of kidney damage and heart disease.

13- Buckwheat and Bulgur- These have low and medium glycemic index, which reduce blood sugars. Both are whole grains that can replace rice. Sugar-spikes can damage kidney blood vessels and filtration, buckwheat and bulgar can help reduce sugar spikes.

14- Arugula- A leafy green that also helps in blood pressure control. It’s low in potassium, counteracting the negative affects of salt and helps kidneys to better control body fluid levels.

15-Macadamia Nuts- A one-ounce serving of macadamia nuts is a better choice to protect kidneys than other popular nuts. They are rich in manganese, which fights damage to cells. They also have thiamine or vitamin B1, which helps the kidneys ward off disease.

Hope this helps!